So lots done
We fixed the Success Stories panels there was an issue with video playback.
We had some issues with private info getting displayed. Fixed.
We had a page overlap issue.. in projects and could not see the videos anymore all done. Works on mobile too.
What's coming? We want to alter the display of the mobile part, to show the page in a way that makes better use of small space.
Like showing projects 2 x 2 so you see a bit more. We know that it is hard to see a lot of content at once on small devices.
Otherwise it seems that we are almost ready to go.
Busker Video - We are filming one of our own Busking as the 1st Busker in next 7 days weather dependent.
Now that site is basically done and functioning, we want to create some how to videos from screen captures.
Target Launch Date is either May 27th or June 1st.
So excited.
We Love You,
Buskerdues Updates
Posted on:
April 13th, 2022